Mar 28, 2021
The palm tree and palm leaves appear again and again throughout
the Bible as symbols of integrity, honor,
righteousness, holiness, godly authority, and royal glory. The palm
was used in the carved decorations of the temple,
usually associated with the Cherubim, but also with the regal lion
and the flower in full bloom....
Mar 22, 2021
I hope that over the past five weeks you have enjoyed learning
and singing Do You Decree, O Earthly Gods (Psalm 58).
This is certainly one of the more unusual texts in the psalter, in
which David details the corruption of earthly rulers
who “go astray from birth, speaking lies” (vs. 3), have venom like
serpents (vs....
Mar 14, 2021
During our Wednesday night Lententide devotions, we have been walking through passages from the Gospel of John, highlighting not just the details of Jesus’ passion and death (“what” and “how), but why He had to die. Likewise, in this morning’s text from 1 Corinthians it could be easy to focus on the...
Mar 7, 2021
There is a fountain filled with
blood drawn from Emmanuel’s veins,
And sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty
In this morning’s sermon text from 1 Corinthians, Paul pulls no
punches regarding the “unrighteous” who will not inherit the
Kingdom. He very clearly names these unrighteous...
Mar 1, 2021
Last week, all of the snow shoveling I had to do gave me ample time to catch up on some podcasts. I was listening to a discussion on worship, in which one of the guests was critiquing certain hymns and songs for excessive use of the first- person perspective. He argued that too many instances of words like “I” and...